




The History of De La Salle Drum Corps

“The history of the De La Salle Bugle Band and Drum Corps is generally thought to be the period that spans 64 years – from 1910 to 1974. However, the story begins much earlier, 1866 to be exact, and doesn’t quite end with the 1974 season”

From Drum Corps History Podcast

Play MP3 of Podcast

Compiled Transition History

A history of the transition into Drum Corps 1955 - 1960 and Roll-Call Tribute, as compiled by Brian Coleman, with the assistance of:
Cos Capone, Ernie Wesson, Gerry Feraday, Ken Burns and Terry Marren.

Download - The Del Transition History.pdf

If you have any questions, additions or changes you may contact:
Brian Coleman - btcoleman[at]comcast[dot]net

Picture Galleries

(All galleries open in new windows)

Pre 1950
The 50's

Early 60's
1966 - 67
The 70s

Zack!!! Brother Xavier

Tidbits 1
Tidbits 2

Gallery Three (La Salle)
Gallery Four (Asst Corps Shots)

Master Galleries
Some duplicates - (Compiled by Murt Howell)



Late 60's



Courtesy - Al Andersen

Columbus - John Petti

Del Shots - Joe Luszczek

Courtesy Terry Marren

The Faz Collection

The 5oth Anniversary Book- From Bob Sanford

Sound Files - Audio MP3s (Click and hold - download source to disk.)

1960 Show

1961 Show

1962 Show

1964 Show

1965 Show

1966 Show

1967 Show

1968 Show

1969 Show

1970 Show

1971 Show

1972 Show

1973 Show

1973 Show (Large file)

1974 Show

1974 Show - Drum Judge Comments

Part 1

Part 2

1975 Oakland Crusaders

1976 Oakland Crusaders

The Repertoire Over the Years
Download Excel File
Click and hold to download.

Material courtesy:

Cos Capone
Paul Figueroa
Al Andersen
Ron Allard
Dave Johnson
Dan Moloney
John Jones
George Mohacsi
Paul Paterson
Murt Howell
Tom Mellors
Bill Serson
Ed Law
Brian Fazackerley
Bob Cook
John Swartz
Jean Mario Charest
Gord Neill
John Swindell
Steve Bailey

Terry Marren

Brian Coleman
Ernie Wesson
Gerry Feraday
Ken Burns

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